

This plugin has been closed as of 27. јул 2023. and is not available for download. Разлог: Безбедносни проблем.


27. јун 2018.
The plugin has an issue with WPML. It is registering strings for translation every time with a unique ID making the database growing until you can’t manage string translations anymore. DON’T INSTALL IF YOU USE WPML!!!
7. фебруар 2018.
Easy to setup and does exactly what you want! I have tried and uninstalled many and I’m happy this one does the trick!
24. октобар 2017.
the only weather plugin that worked as described
6. новембар 2016. 1 одговор
When i need to key it the City Name, it will show me „i i i i i i i i“ all the line
29. септембар 2016. 1 одговор
No puedo ejecutar este plugin en mi sitio web, todos los ajustes realizados en la documentación! http://prntscr.com/cnsadh http://prntscr.com/cnsao9
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