Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Page Specific Scripts


This plugin helps you add jQuery and Javascript code snippets only on specific pages and posts.

It works with all types of custom post types as well. Each script added to a page or post, will run only on that specific post.

Scripts can be added in a meta box when editing a page.

This plugin uses the wp_head() action hook, and adds the code to the header of the page.

Most of the themes using this hook, so it works on most of the themes.

Tested & works with Gutenberg.

Docs & Support

You will find more information about the plugin at the plugin website


From your WordPress dashboard

Go to Dashboard > Plugins > Add New
Search for ‘Page Specific Scripts’
Click install and then Activate the plugin

From WordPress.org

Download the package from wordpress.org Plugin Directory
Unzip the files
Upload the unzipped files with FTP to the plugin directory in your wordpress installation
Go to Dashboard > Plugins to activate


What themes have this plugin been tested on?

This plugin has been tested and created on a test environment of the Divi theme with Gutenberg enabled. It also works on the WordPress Default themes.


18. фебруар 2021. 1 одговор
I was looking for a soultion for adding a JS conversion tag on a specific page withoot using Google Tag Manager (I was in a hurrry…). This plugin did the job! Thanks
Види сав 1 преглед

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