Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Easy ProgressBar


An Easy progress bar is a visual representation to let the users know approximately how long the article will take them to complete. It can be used where you want like top, bottom.

Features include:

  • You can Opt the post types for which post or page easy porgressbar will be displayed.
  • Position can be set top, bottom as per requirement.
  • Foreground color
  • Background color
  • Progress bar height

How to Use?

  1. One Step Setup to get up and running, Just Go to WP-Admin -> Settings -> easy PB for WP to configure the plugin.
  2. Simply enable wherever you want to display Post/Page easy progress Bar from the listed options, that’s it!

Снимци екрана

  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png


  1. Install Easy ProgressBar either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the easy ProgressBar settings and set your options as per requirement.


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Сарадници и градитељи

„Easy ProgressBar“ је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.


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Белешка о изменама

1.0 ( 10 March 2021)

  • Initial Release