This plugin has been closed as of 16. јун 2022. and is not available for download. Разлог: Кршење препорука.
17. октобар 2021.
Worded great with WP 5.8.1
26. април 2021.
1 одговор
Still works, tested on Wordpress 5.7.1
14. април 2021.
Uso questo Plugin da molto anni ormai e devo dire che funziona sempre, attualmente lo utilizzo con WP 5.7 è molto utile per eliminare i residui spazzatura dei plugin rimossi che lasciano tracce nella tabella options. Non è un plugin per tutti, bisogna sapere cosa eliminare prima di farlo e fare sempre un backup del DB prima di procedere. Anche se non è aggiornato da 11 anni è sempre un ottimo strumento.
9. јануар 2019.
Works like a charm.
I tried to delete leftovers from ultimate member plugin for resetting to default and it worked.
3. октобар 2018.
This is a pretty good plugin as far as searching your PHP database goes.
Just be aware, that just as with apps that offer to help you edit your Windows registry, this plugin, not used judiciously can do A LOT OF damage to your database.
Always be sure to create a backup before touching anything. Also, the search results I am getting contain a lot of false orphans.
As with any 3rd party tool which helps you edit the raw code of your website, with a lot of care, it can be safely used.
For me, PHP MyAdmin is a safer and better alternative, but if you don’t have database administration under your belt, or if you are on a shared host without control of your server; this tool is a must have when things start to break due to remnants left behind by plugins.
7. април 2018.
I installed and tried to run but it doesn’t work. It caused a blank screen and that’s all…
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