Ознака додатка: smooth scroll
Page scroll to id
(221укупних оцена)Create links that scroll the page smoothly to any id within the document.
MouseWheel Smooth Scroll
(40укупних оцена)Smooth scrolling experience, with mousewheel, touchpad or keyboard
jQuery Smooth Scroll
(47укупних оцена)Activate the plugin for smooth scrolling and smooth "back to top" feature.
Smooth Page Scroll Up/Down Buttons
(21укупних оцена)Smooth Scroll Page Up/Down Buttons adds buttons that enables your site visitors to easily scroll up or down one screen/page at a time.
Scroll to Top Button
(8укупних оцена)Displays a button in the bottom right corner for smooth scrolling to the top of the page.
Easy Smooth Scroll Links
(2укупних оцена)Create anchors and add up to to 30 scrolling animation effects to links that link to page anchors. You can set scroll speed and offset value.
Smooth Scroll
(5укупних оцена)By default our browsers have scroll not smooth. It seem lag when mouse wheel. A plugin was make browser's scroll smoother.
Fast Smooth Scroll
(0укупних оцена)This lightweight plugin enhances user experience by enabling smooth scrolling for anchor links without the need for jQuery or other dependencies.
Top Smooth Scroll
(1укупних оцена)A complete plugin to add smooth scroll to your WordPress Website, Smooth Scroll To Top, Smooth Scroll To ID, Page Smooth Scrolling, Mouse Smooth Scrol …
(1укупних оцена)WP-Smooth-Scroll is a plugin that helps users to scroll smoothly to top of the page.
WP LocalScroll
(6укупних оцена)This plugin will animate a regular anchor navigation with a smooth scrolling effect.
Simple Scroll Up Button
(1укупних оцена)Simple Scroll Up Button is a lightweight plugin which adds a simple scroll up button on the page of your WordPress website.
(2укупних оцена)Scroll to top with nice jquery scroll effect and get a nice browser slider
Easy Back To Top Button
(0укупних оцена)Add a customizable, lightweight "Back to Top" button to enhance your website's usability and accessibility.
Parallaxer for Elementor
(1укупних оцена)Add smooth parallax scrolling effects to any Elementor widget using the lightweight Rellax.js and lenis.js libraries.