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Од Themes4WP

Ово је тема-дете теме MaxStore.

Издање: 1.0.2

Последњи пут ажурирана: 29. април 2020.

Укључене поставке: 90+

Веб страница теме

WebStore is a child theme of MaxStore - free WooCommerce theme for WordPress. Theme is suitable for eCommerce websites of any store type: fashion, sport, technology, fashion, furniture, digitals etc. Its modern design is perfect to create a website for your business. WebStore includes plenty of customization options that are easy to use. Main features of WebStore: Customizer theme options, background image and color, wishlist support, product search with category select, SEO optimized, fully responsive, configurable home page, fast loading. Documentation available at http://demo.themes4wp.com/documentation/category/webstore/ and check the demo at http://demo.themes4wp.com/webstore/


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