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Shopping Mart

Од Ceylon Themes

Ово је тема-дете теме Business Store.

Издање: 1.1.7

Последњи пут ажурирана: 28. мај 2020.

Укључене поставке: 100+

Издање Вордпреса: 5.0 или новије

Веб страница теме

Shopping Mart is a responsive and fully customizable template with tons of features. The theme can be used to develop business, WooCommerce or Easy Digital download shopping cart - store front, portfolio and others web sites. The Flexibility and Theme Options such as WooCommerce integration, Product Slider, Product Grid, Header & footer Customization, typography features provided in theme will amaze you. Looking for a Feature rich Store front theme? Look no further! See the demo, The only theme you will ever need: https://wordpress.org/themes/shopping-mart/ For more information about Shopping Mart please go to https://www.ceylonthemes.com/product/wordpress-shopping-cart-theme/


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