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SG Window

Од cats_456

Издање: 1.2.3

Последњи пут ажурирана: 23. јул 2018.

Укључене поставке: 800+

SG Window is a highly customizable theme with responsive design. Front page can include custom blocks and pages with different layouts. Theme includes one page navigation menu and CSS3&JQuery effects. It has many options in the theme customizer (per page sidebars, layouts: right column, left column, two columns, full width; blog: from 1 to 4 columns; favicon; logo; all google fonts; 2 color schemes, 3 nav menus and other options). SG Window has 4 footers, 4 per page sidebars and 10 custom widgets (Social Media Icons, Buttons, Images, Posts, Pages, Navigation). It can be used for portfolio, blog, e-commerce, business, landing page websites. Supports popular plugins: WooCommerce and portfolio from Jetpack. Translation ready. See the demo at http://wpblogs.info/demo/sg-window/, documentation at http://wpblogs.ru/themes/how-to-video-sg-window-theme/


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