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Online CV Resume

Од aThemeArt Translations

Издање: 1.8

Последњи пут ажурирана: 20. јун 2019.

Укључене поставке: 300+

Издање Вордпреса: 4.0 или новије

PHP издање: 7.0 или новије

Веб страница теме

Online CV Resume is a Modern, Minimal & Creative WordPress theme for online resume, cv, or a personal website. This beautiful online resume template comes with a built-in portfolio type . Online-CV-Resume is suitable for designer, developer, freelancer, photographer, architects, Artists and many more individual who want to showcase his/her work. It is a high performance template it’s help to load your website fast and it’s fully optimize and clean code help search engine to optimize website. It comes with pre-defined sections for skills, education, work experience, etc. It’s 100% responsive that’s why it will work nicely on all smart devices(smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops). It’s also well documented and clean coded that’s why anyone can change it easily.


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