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Mixin' Styles- GB

Од jgpws

Издање: 1.1.1

Последњи пут ажурирана: 8. јул 2023.

Укључене поставке: 20+

Издање Вордпреса: 6.0 или новије

PHP издање: 7.0 или новије

Веб страница теме

Mixin' Styles- GB is a full site editing blog theme. Sporting rounded corners on several elements, Mixin' Styles- GB supports single columns and sidebar layouts via a collection of templates and patterns. Custom templates include a page with a left-side fixed vertical header, a page with no sidebar and a no sidebar pattern for posts. The theme offers four header styles including two with hero images. Version 1.1 includes nine new color Style Variations.


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