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Lifestyle Blogging

Од pewilliams

Комерцијална тема

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Ово је тема-дете теме Ovation Blog.

Издање: 3.5

Последњи пут ажурирана: 23. март 2024.

Укључене поставке: 100+

Издање Вордпреса: 5.0 или новије

PHP издање: 5.6 или новије

Веб страница теме

Lifestyle Blogging is a wonderful theme available for free use and brings you a much more sophisticated design that can give a stylish blogging website for lifestyle and fashion bloggers, personal blogs, tourist blogs or travel blogs, fashion and food blogs, and any kind of blog you want to design. This theme is cross-browser compatible and mobile-friendly to work phenomenally well on several mobile devices as well as web browsers. It is developed by WordPress experts and has a minimal style focussing on your content. It has a beautiful banner and many Call to Action Button (CTA) placed so that your conversions get better with each passing day. The codes included in the theme are made SEO-friendly so that people can easily notice you and you get more visitors. The clean and secure HTML codes of this theme make your website function smoothly on several platforms and as these are optimized codes, your website will have a faster page load time to load quickly. The Bootstrap framework results in a stunning design and also has interactive elements and CSS animations to make your website look great.


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