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Krystal Lawyer

Од Spiracle Themes

Ово је тема-дете теме Krystal.

Издање: 1.2.3

Последњи пут ажурирана: 30. јануар 2023.

Укључене поставке: 900+

PHP издање: 5.6 или новије

Веб страница теме

Krystal Lawyer is a free WordPress theme which helps you to create a website in just few minutes. You can create law firms, attorneys, counsel, legal adviser, legal experts websites and many more from this WordPress theme. Theme provides lots of options and is easily customizable through the Customizer. Optimized for speed and 1 click demo import options this theme is quick to setup. More information here: https://www.spiraclethemes.com/krystal-lawyer-free-wordpress-theme/


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