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Од Mystery Themes

Ово је тема-дете теме Fotogenic.

Издање: 1.0.2

Последњи пут ажурирана: 7. март 2023.

Укључене поставке: 100+

Издање Вордпреса: 4.7 или новије

PHP издање: 5.2.4 или новије

Веб страница теме

Fotocover is child theme of Fotogenic Free WordPress Theme crafted for your blog, gallery or photography collection. It has a unique, modern, light and clean design which will make your website look awesome. It is completely built on Customizer which allows you to customize most of the theme settings easily with live previews. This theme comes with 3 different archive layouts and other exciting features that allow you to customize the theme easily without coding knowledge. Check demo here: https://demo.mysterythemes.com/fotogenic-demos


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