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Cream Magazine

Од themebeez

Издање: 2.1.7

Последњи пут ажурирана: 5. март 2024.

Укључене поставке: 8.000+

Издање Вордпреса: 5.0.0 или новије

PHP издање: 5.6 или новије

Веб страница теме

Cream Magazine is a news & magazine WordPress theme with a clean & modern design suitable for everyone who wish to share their stories, publish a breaking daily news or write on different topics. Everything in Cream Magazine is very easy to deal with, after assigning a front-page one can fully get started to build a website though WordPress Live Customizer.Cream magazine is build taking SEO, Speed & Responsive in mind. Build-in features like lazy load for images has been implemented to make cream mag load faster & extra library files have been bundled to minimize HTTP requests. For more information go to https://themebeez.com/themes/cream-magazine/


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