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Business Prime

Од ThemeFarmer

Издање: 1.11.1

Последњи пут ажурирана: 3. новембар 2019.

Укључене поставке: 200+

Издање Вордпреса: 4.0 или новије

PHP издање: 5.6 или новије

Веб страница теме

Business Prime is WordPress Theme to give a boost start for your business. Business Prime is responsive to fit on all device to be all device. Business Prime is a clean, simple and professional business theme with awesome design and Powerful of features for business and corporate websites. Business Prime is highly recommended for business, corporate, informative, agencies, travel, design, art, personal, restaurant, construction, health, digital agency, bloggers, corporate business, freelancers, portfolio, product showcase, and any other creative websites and blogs. Even with all the Powerful features the theme is optimized for fast performance and security. frequently maintained by Our Experts and expert quality assurance team so that you will never have to compromise quality and speed. it also have multiple page templates such as right sidebar, Left Sidebar, Full Width, landing page. Check Demo At http://demo.themefarmer.com/business-prime/


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