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Book Landing Page

Од Rara Theme

Комерцијална тема


Ова тема је бесплатна, али нуди додатне плаћене комерцијалне надоградње или подршку.

Издање: 1.2.5

Последњи пут ажурирана: 8. фебруар 2024.

Укључене поставке: 1.000+

PHP издање: 5.6 или новије

Веб страница теме

Book Landing Page is a beautiful WordPress theme suitable for creating landing page for your book. The home page is thoughtfully designed to increase leads and purchase of the book. The theme is easy to use and doesn't require coding experienc. You can launch your book in less than 10 minutes with Book Landing Page and market your book. Book Landing Page is mobile friendly. It is also translation ready. Check the demo at https://rarathemes.com/previews/?theme=book-landing-page, documentation at https://docs.rarathemes.com/docs/book-landing-page/, and get support at https://rarathemes.com/support-ticket/.


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