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Од ThemezHut

Издање: 1.3.8

Последњи пут ажурирана: 12. фебруар 2024.

Укључене поставке: 10.000+

PHP издање: 5.3 или новије

Веб страница теме

HitMag is a stylish and powerful theme crafted for magazines, newspapers or personal blogs. HitMag comes with a handful of options to customize your site the way you want. Free version has included a magazine homepage layout, 4 different style blog listing layouts and main color options. Not only that it comes with so many handful of features like author details box, Related posts after articles and control post metadata. All those features and options ensures that HitMag is not just another free WordPress theme but a powerful theme that fulfills all of the basic needs. See all the theme information at https://themezhut.com/themes/hitmag/


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