Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

AI Live Chat


Provide AI based assistance to your website.
Engage your users to give them reasons to buy your product!
The Agent provides relevant answers for user questions.
Customize the Agent repsonses.

With the Agent you can:
Have the Agent work in coordintation with live staff.
Train the Agent by importing chat sessions.
Receive transcript of chat sessions.

Learn More section

Learn more about the assistant at acobot.ai

How to Use

Add the following shortcode to display the Agent on a post or page.

Снимци екрана

  • The Agent in action.
  • The settings screen. This is where you enter the acobot Key. The admin screen also has a live demo of the Agent.


How to install the plugin and get the Agent running.

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly, or upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-acobot directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Settings->WP acobot screen to configure the plugin
  3. Copy the Key provided by acobot and save your settings.


Installation Instructions

How to install the plugin and get the Agent running.

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly, or upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-acobot directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Settings->WP acobot screen to configure the plugin
  3. Copy the Key provided by acobot and save your settings.
How do I activate the Agent?

After you create an account with acobot.ai, enter in your unique Key.

How do I use the plugin?

Add the following shortcode to pages you wish to use the assistant with.

Does this plugin cost anything?

No, although you may choose to pay for upgraded service with acobot.ai.


Нема рецензија за овај додатак.

Сарадници и градитељи

„AI Live Chat“ је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.


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Прегледајте код, проверите SVN складиште или се пријавите на белешку градње преко RSS-а.

Белешка о изменама


  • Initial release