Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Countdown Block


Create a fear of missing out a special offer or draw attention to your upcoming events or create a feeling of urgency using the Countdown Block for Gutenberg editor. You can also build a coming soon page to let your visitors know how much time is left to launch.

Once the time is over you can set the timer to disappear from the page, or it can be replaced by a message, or redirect to custom URL.


  • Fixed or Evergreen timer
  • Numbers or Circle style
  • Show or hide days and hours
  • Various styling options
  • Option to hide timer when ends
  • Option to show a message when ends
  • Redirect to custom page when ends
  • Ultra light-weight
  • Easy to configure

Evergreen Countdown Timer

Evergreen timer means all visitors get the same time frame, regardless of when they enter the page. It means if,
– User A visits the page today, he sees a countdown of 2 hours.
– User B visits two weeks later, she still sees a countdown of 2 hours.

A cookie is set in the visitor’s browser once he lands on the page with the countdown. If the visitor lands on the page next time, the timer will continue from the same time the visitor first landed on the page.

This is the best way to create or increase urgency when promoting sales, events, or other time-limited offers or discounts.

Fixed Countdown Timer

Fixed timer is designed to promote offers or an event on a specific day. You can use the fixed timer to draw attention of your audience to your upcoming events. Or build a coming soon page with fixed timer to let your visitors know when the time left to launch the site or product. Or use it for your Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, or New Year offers.

Actions When Countdown Ends

You can simply set a custom action to run once the timer reaches zero.

  • Hide the countdown timer
  • Set a custom page or URL to redirect your visitors
  • Show a message


Овај додатак пружа 1 блок.

  • Countdown Create urgency on your site using the Countdown block.


Does it work with any WordPress theme?

Yes, it will work with any standard WordPress theme.

Does it work as personal timer for each visitor?

Yes, the Evergreen timer feature is designed for this.

Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project?

To report bugs or to contribute, headover to the GitHub repository


20. септембар 2021.
Works as it says it does. really helpful. Kudos to the developer
31. јул 2021.
The plugin is decent enough but has some pretty simple problems that need fixing. Unfortunately no one seems to answer support posts…
25. јун 2021.
It is an excellent plugin, it fully complies with what it says to do.
Види сва 3 прегледа

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Белешка о изменама

1.0.0 – July 26, 2020

  • Initial release