This plugin has been closed as of 29. јануар 2025. and is not available for download. Ово затварање је трајно. Разлог: Захтев аутора.
25. јануар 2017.
1 одговор
Basically, any line of code that says ‘base 64’ will get flagged as malicious by this plugin. In one sense, that’s pretty great as base 64 is often used to mask malicious code and this plugin will likely find it. On the other hand, nearly all of the time, it’s normal, benign code that’s needed by a legitimate plugin or theme. I would hope that it could do a better job of filtering which code is actually malicious and maybe flagging the rest as „possibly malicious.“ At least this plugin will give you a good idea of where to look.
Five stars for flagging a lot of stuff. Subtracting two stars for unnecessarily making me [trash talk redacted]
23. децембар 2016.
I suppose this a similar plugin to the old Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC).
Great stuff!
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WP Authenticity Checker је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.
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