Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.



scrollToTop is a small plug-in that will help you to make a nice looking back to top button or full-height bar on your WordPress website. You don’t need any knowledge in HTML, CSS or JS: the plug-in has many settings which you can change in just one click.


  • Bar and Button mode
  • Choose 1 of 15+ arrow icons (which are merged in a font)
  • Change position, size, color, opacity and other styles
  • Enable/disable/change back to top text
  • Change animation effects (none/fade/slide)
  • Enable/disable async & defer script loading
  • Mobile friendly

Снимци екрана

  • Bar and Button mode.
  • A small demonstration of what can be done in 1 minute.
  • Settings page


Through Dashboard

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to Plugins -> Add New and type scrollToTop in the search box.
  3. Find scrollToTop and click on Install Now, after that activate the plugin.
  4. Go to Settings -> scrollToTop and customize back to top button as you want!

Installing Via FTP

  1. Download the plugin to your hardisk and unzip it.
  2. Upload the scrollToTop folder into your plugins directory.
  3. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and activate the plugin.
  4. Go to Settings -> scrollToTop and customize back to top button as you want!


Will scrollToTop work on any template?

The plug-in can be installed and will work on any template, however full-height bar may not fit horizontally. Do you have enough space for that?

I’m a template developer

Use ‘scrolltotop_default_settings’ filter to change default plugin settings.
You can see available settings in ‘includes/scrolltotop-functions.php’.

I have a question/I’m need support

I will help you on any question on our support forum.


13. јул 2021.
this is very very good, and can be use always… if it is always keep up updates. i try other 10 scroll plugin… but only this is premium ! this developer know what he doing… and this plugins must be have a priced version, if have time.
29. април 2020. 1 одговор
Здравствуйте! Огромнейшее спасибо за плагин! Давно искал нечто подобное, как ВКонтакте. Я потратил много времени, копаясь в коде – нужно было сделать кнопку, которая прокручивает страницу вверх, а потом повторным нажатием возвращает обратно – но ничего не вышло, а тут за секунды установил Ваш плагин и получил то, что нужно. Бесконечное спасибо!
7. новембар 2019. 1 одговор
best scroll to top i’ve come to use in years. that is including ones i tried in „premium“ themes. thanks!
Види сва 4 прегледа

Сарадници и градитељи

„scrollToTop“ је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.


„scrollToTop“ је преведен на 1 језик. Хвала преводиоцима за њихове доприносе.

Преведите „scrollToTop“ на свој језик.

Заинтересовани сте за градњу?

Прегледајте код, проверите SVN складиште или се пријавите на белешку градње преко RSS-а.

Белешка о изменама


  • Hotfix for 1.15


  • Wrap all js to $(document).ready(/* ... */) to make plugin work, if its scripts loaded after creating container
  • Add new options „scroll to value/element“, what can set top scroll position (it was 0 always before)


  • WordPress 5.4.x support
  • Code refactoring


  • Stop animation when user manually scroll
  • Added minified files
  • New admin page settings


  • Global fixes


  • Fixed scrollToTop bar with admin-bar height issue.


  • Added .pot file for translation in future
  • Fixed js file async loading


Optimized for faster work

  • Add inline javascript caching (via transient creation)
  • Less javascript in html
  • Optimized js file
  • Add id attribute to a container


  • New option: transform bar into button instead of hide


WordPress 5.2 support

  • Tested up to 5.2
  • Background with 0 opacity like background: rgba(255,255,255,0) to just background: transparent
  • Add some cross browser codes


WordPress 5.1 support

  • Tested up to 5.1


  • New options for CSS files & inline styles output


  • Global fixes


WordPress 4.9 support

  • Tested up to 4.9.1
  • Fix WP Color Picker plugin


Added a lot of new features

  • Bar and Button mode.
  • Advanced background.
  • Sticky width.
  • New arrow icons.
  • New animations.


  • Bug fix.


  • Initial release.