ScrollHighlight plugin will highlight (while the background will be blacked out) a block of your choosing, on scroll. You can choose when the highlighting will start. Also you can choose highlight color, overlay background color and opacity.
- Choose the blocks which will be more eye-catching for visitors
- Get more attention to your Call To Actions or ads
Activate the plugin. Choose your settigns. Done
Install like any other plugin. After install activate.
Go to Settings / Scroll Highlighter and change set correct settings to fine tune highlight position or duration
How to add selector to an element?
- You may want to use „HTML Block“ Gutenberg Block
- If you use Classic Editor you could switch to Text Mode and type in html
I want to highlight current element, how to find correct selector?
So this depends on which theme you use, examine the code (Firefox: right click on sidebar and ”Inspect Element”; Chrome: right click on sidebar than select “Inspect”) and find yout element. This element have some class or id, and that’s the selector we need. If using class than don’t forget to ad dot (.) in front of class name, or hash (#) in front of id name.
Нема рецензија за овај додатак.
Сарадници и градитељи
Scroll Highlight – catch the eye of your visitors while they scroll је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.
СараднициПреведите Scroll Highlight – catch the eye of your visitors while they scroll на свој језик.
Заинтересовани сте за градњу?
Прегледајте код, проверите SVN складиште или се пријавите на белешку градње преко RSS-а.
Белешка о изменама
- Typos fixes
- First release of Scroll Highlight plugin