Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Post Type Converter


Adds meta boxes to all post types and allows you to convert the post type of the current post you are editing to a different post type. This very useful when doing an import from another site into one post type that then needs to be filtered into different post types or even to fill dummy posts throughout multiple post types.

Please refer to full documentation at https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/wiki.


Please refer to full installation instructions at https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/wiki.


If you have any issues with this plugin, please log them at the Github repo for this plugin.
This is done to centralize our issues and make sure nothing goes unnoticed.

The URL to log an issue is https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/issues.

See Frequently Asked Questions here: https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions.


Види свих 6 прегледа

Сарадници и градитељи

„Post Type Converter“ је софтвер отвореног кода. Следећи људи су допринели овом додатку.


Преведите „Post Type Converter“ на свој језик.

Заинтересовани сте за градњу?

Прегледајте код, проверите SVN складиште или се пријавите на белешку градње преко RSS-а.

Белешка о изменама

Please refer to full changelog at https://github.com/voceconnect/post-type-converter/releases.