This plugin has been closed as of 6. фебруар 2019. and is not available for download. Разлог: Кршење препорука.
30. јануар 2019.
Estuve un dia entero probando decenas de plugins, inclusive intente hacer unos con revolution slider que fue un martirio dejarlo como queria, este plugin logra lo mismo de manera sencilla y lo smas importante que buscaba con el efecto escala de grises/blanco y negro, muchisimas gracias! 🙂
19. новембар 2018.
I’ve used other logo sliders. This one is head and shoulders above the rest. I don’t have to make them all the same dimensions or aspect ratio which is HUGE! And I love the grayscale to color option. Well done. Thank you!
9. октобар 2018.
The plugin is awesome and could be perfect if some bugs were fixed.
Bugs examples: arrows are on top of the logos or the logos are not displayed in full (they are cropped at the right). I guess this would be easy to fix but it is obviously that there is no interest anymore.
4. јун 2018.
I was hesitant to try this plugin because it hasn’t been updated for over a year. I took a chance and am glad i did. It works very well… I’d recommend it!
24. април 2018.
Good and elegant plugin, simple to set-up but quite flexible if you look at the options. Love this thing.
19. септембар 2017.
Shows logos stacked vertically with no carousel/scrolling. All recent support requests in the past 6 months have been unanswered. Looking for another alternative rather than waste my time on this.
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