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JSL Exit Intent Popup


JSL Exit Intent Popup is fully customizable exit intent popup. You can set it up via wordpress customizer. There are a few default settings. Default height is 200px and a width is 400px, default cookie exspiration is 1 day. This plugin is based on beeker1121`s javascript solution of the exit intent popup (see on GitHub at https://github.com/beeker1121/exit-intent-popup).

Снимци екрана

  • This is the example how the JSL exit intent popup could look like.
  • This screen shows customizer where JSL Exit Intent Popup can be edited.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/jsl_exit_intent_popup directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. To configure the plugin, go to Appearance->Customize. By default, the EIT plugin is switched off after the installation.


I wrote all the html and css and it does not work. Why?

Check if the code, especially the css part, is written correctly. If there is some mistake (e.g. missing ;), code does not run.

Nothing is showing after installation

See the sourcecode of the page via CTRL + U. In case you find string „Switch on the EIT in customizer!“, your EIT plugin is not activated in the customizer. Go to customizer and activate the plugin.


Нема рецензија за овај додатак.

Сарадници и градитељи

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