Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Free Shipping Bar Widget


This plugin is designed to work seamlessly with the Elementor page builder, and adds a customizable progress bar to any page or post. The progress bar displays the customer\’s progress towards a minimum order amount required to qualify for free shipping. The bar is color-customizable and will automatically adjust its progress based on the customer\’s cart contents in real-time. The plugin also includes an optional free shipping threshold setting, which can be adjusted from the widget settings. With its intuitive design and easy-to-use settings, this plugin is a must-have for any online store looking to improve customer experience and incentivize larger purchases.


  1. Install theFree Shipping Progress Bar Widget plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your web server (in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory).
  2. After the plugin is installed, click the \“Activate\“ button.
  3. Once the plugin is activated, you can use it in your Elementor pages and customize the progress bar colors to fit your website\’s design.
    You can find the Widget in the Woocommerce widgets category


What is the Progress Bar for Free Shipping plugin?

The Progress Bar for Free Shipping is a plugin for WordPress and Elementor that allows you to display a progress bar on your website indicating how much more a user needs to spend in order to qualify for free shipping.

How do I install the plugin?

You can install the plugin by going to the WordPress.org plugin repository and searching for \“Progress Bar for Free Shipping\“. Once you find the plugin, click the \“Install Now\“ button, and then activate the plugin.

Do I need to have Elementor installed in order to use this plugin?

Yes, you will need to have Elementor installed in order to use this plugin. The progress bar is created as an Elementor widget.

Can I customize the colors of the progress bar?

Yes, you can customize the colors of the progress bar to match your website\’s branding. You can choose the color of the progress bar itself, as well as the color of the text.
You can choose the bar color when shipping is paid and when it\’s free.
You can also type your own displayed text.

Does the plugin automatically update when a new version is released?

Yes, the plugin will automatically update when a new version is released, provided that you have set up your site to allow automatic updates.

Is this plugin free?

Yes, the Progress Bar for Free Shipping plugin is completely free to use. There are no hidden fees or charges.


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  • Launched the Free Shipping Bar Widget plugin!