Овај додатак није испробан са последња 3 главна издања Вордпреса.Можда се више не одржава или подржава и можда има грешке са усклађеношћу са новијим издањима Вордреса.

Ax ScrollTo Top


This plugin adds a Scroll to top button in the footer of the WordPress website. It smoothly
scrolls the website page on a single click. The icon will only appear when the height of the
web page exceeds from a standard measure otherwise scroll icon will be invisible. The
plugin gives you a varieties of icons to suit your website color. You can either select
an icon or use it without icon with any background color. This plugin also comes with lot
of options to customize the display of scroll button. Like the width and height of the icon
can be customized, background color of the icon can be set if no icon is chooses.
This is very simple plugin and compatible with wordpress version 3.0 to 3.5


  • Scroll to top of web pages
  • Smooth scroll with invisible icon

Docs & Support

You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Ax ScrollTo Top on annupex.com.
If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation,
you should check the support forum on WordPress.org. If you can’t locate any topics that pertain
to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

To know more about this plugin visit Ax ScrollTo Top

Recommended Plugins

The following are other recommended plugins by the author of Ax ScrollTo Top.

  • Remove Admin Footer and Version – With this
    plugin, you can remove the WordPress default footer text in admin control panel. It also removes the wordpress version
    number in the same control panel.

Some of the scroll icon images are taken from http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/


  1. Upload the plugin to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin


Please visit http://www.annupex.com/wordpress-plugins/ax-scrollto-top/ first and then visit http://www.annupex.com/support if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or problems.


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Белешка о изменама

1.0.0 – 21/12/2012

  • Initial Release.